'Communication and IT Minister A Raja had said that local call tariffs can come down by 50 per cent to 25 paise a minute while STD charges can fall to 50 paise.
"My government has taken a number of steps to ensure that reach of affordable telecom services is greatly enhanced," the President said. '
-This a peice of an article I had found in ET dated 02/12/09
Well, I regard it quite naive of our president to use words as 'my government' given that proliferation of telecom had its seeds sown during the NDA regime itself & indeed the present government did a good job of taking the bastion forward. Its high time that we leave the I behind & work for an 'Our India' vision. Again, Mr Raja shouldn't belie the aam junta which such quotes that the mobile prices our going to spiral down to such extents as 25p. Already ARPU(average rate per user)has dropped from Rs236 in 'o7-'08 to Rs209 in '08-'09 owing to price based cut throat competition amongst service providers. They really cant afford any major price cuts if they need to sustain in the market on a long term basis, lest they be reduced to the crisis faced by our airline industry. Again, the advent of 3G technology would spell a further price increase in communication & IT arena. So.... with elections just round the corner, the validity of political quotes often arouse doubts in my mind.